age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

It's Saturday..night...

Saturday, March 18
After three days of non-access to my post here, it got really frustrating. There still are some quirks to getting here but at least I can type something.

The last couple of days were very uneventful. The threat of a snow storm looms tonight as it has yet to start snowing. Let's talk about Meteorologists. A meteorologist is a person whom forcasts weather. Forcasts another word for guess.. I guess. I live one block away from the longest interstate highway in the United States. I can forecast that a car will come by in the next half an hour. That's how much I believe in weather forecasting. All the other technical stuff such as low pressure.. high pressure and radar is not a part of the human aspect of the weather. You have to look at computers to figure that out. Something I am doing right now, looking at a computer. Forcasting is guessing and a person actually gets paid big money to do that. We should hold these people accountable for a forcast that is inaccurate. Maybe they will get it right most of the time instead of some of the time.
