age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

It's Me...

Monday, March 13
I tend to read a lot and try to keep up on the things others do that have possible consequences to my family and myself. I am strong minded in my political view.. I always have been. I take the good guy factor out of every politician. Winning my vote requires that you are concise with your argument and you follow through with what you promise. I can still be friends with a person I strongly disagree with about a personal view.

I work with a younger guy who is a stanch Republican and is not afraid to say it. His personal views are what he bases his way of life on and religion is a large part of his life. I see nothing wrong with that... more power to him and I believe he will lead a better life for it. We discuss but never argue about the wails and woes of our country and the religious rights place in government. He sees that the country is better off with a Christian value attached to it across the board where I see that Christianity should be left to the individual and have no factor in non Christians lives and the government that serves them. I believe with all my being that Theocracy's are a cancer in government. They are closer to Communism than any other form of government. Replacing one form of totalitarianism style of government with another sprinkled with the sugar coating of Jesus Christ is wrong. A religious belief of one group to control anothers is bad. The Catholic Church has it's laws and the United States has it's own. Don't mix the two together.

I research my arguments before I say anything on the subject. To not do so is just dumb. It opens the door to be rebutted and you are made to look like an idiot. I was never on the Debate team in school. But when it affects my way of life I will scream at the top of my lungs to fight the fight.

This new fight the Governor has started with the women of this state is a slap to the face of all females. The Governor is saying that women can't be trusted to make the vital decision regarding thier own bodies. I stand by the women in this state to say that no government entity in a free society has any right to mess with our being no matter what the secondary argument is. Abortion is the secondary situation in this mess. Nobody is telling it that way. If we choose to have the politicians regulate what we can and cant do to our bodies they will have to change the slogan in this state to "Under God, The Personal Belief of the Head of State Rules". This state has become too extreme to be considered a democratic state.

The politicians I will always mock regardless of the good they have done for anybody is because they deserve it. A person wrote to the Rapid City Journal opinion page a couple of weeks ago quoting a verse from the Bible to make his point. His whole point was about respect. He wrote that we need to respect Your parents (which I agree with to a point, but ask that to a kid who's mom is a meth addict and has the dirtbag boyfriend who beats and molests them while the mother sit by idle.), Doctors ( There are a few physicians I respect and a lot more I don't), Police and Firefighters (Respect the law before you respect the enforcers.. Admire the man willing to risk his life for others), Politicians ( This one I had to laugh about. Politicians don't deserve respect until they are no longer politicians. That's when the accolades come.. and they are usually from other politicians) Your employers (Again.. I had a problem with this one. I respect the director to my department because she has earned it with me, the Unit assistant I respect for all that she does and usually receives no credit. We have a new manager and over time when deserved I will respect him. But respect a business for being a business I don't think so). Respect is earned not a given.

I am vocal when I write. the people who know me and know how I speak can usually hear me when they read what I write. They know the nuances of my voice, they know the phasing of my words when I speak and when I'm being sacastic. That's the beauty of the written word. I try not to leave what I say open to interpretation. What I say is what I say. Anyways...
