age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Idiot of the Week...

Monday, March 13
This week's "Idiot of the Week" is Tom Daschle.

Tom thinks he has a viable chance at winning the presidency. What I see in this guy is he may be able to shuck and jive the people in South Dakota into believing he is a innovator and a trendsetter but the people of the United States... that's another subject. When he was a Senator, he went out of his way to tie up the lifeless flow of government to grandstand his way into the media.

After his rise to power, he divorced his long time wife for a newer model. His wife is currently a lobbyist for the airline industry in Omaha, Nebraska. Great!!!

Mr. Daschle needs to look at the history of Middle American Democratic politicians who ran for president and take a hard look. Mr. McGovern couldn't carry South Dakota when he ran against Nixon, why does Daschle think he can win now? Pure brash... Sir... stay at home and travel the lecture series because the people of this country are alot wiser than the good ol boys in South Dakota.