age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Hoka Hey!!!

Thursday, March 23
With the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally turning into a festival of alcoholic related debauchery, The Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana bought land to the west of Bear Butte, the center piece to thier religion.

I know the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally isn't a family attraction but some thought has to go into the selling and who's buying land in and around Sturgis. Main Street is all but vacant 11 months of the year, one would think that the leaders in this community would grasp the importance of where the town is headed.

I grew up in Sturgis and have seen the town, which was perfect small town, turn into a out of state owned nothing. Now more out of state people are buying land outside of town to build bars and concert venues. One in particular is a very large bar being built near Bear Butte. Bear Butte is the center of the Northern Cheyenne religion. It's thier church. Would you want a titty bar built next to your place of worship? Next to a pre-school? I wouldn't think so. So kudos to the tribe in which I am enrolled as a member.
