age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Sunday, March 19
Dreams are weird in a sense that you remember some and you don't the others. Most dreams I have I can't rememeber them. Only a few stick in my memory. The dreams that usually stick have to deal with getting the shit scared outta me.

I've never had a problem with tornadoes. One never got close enough to do any damage to a home or I haven't had any close calls. But those are the dreams I usually remember. Take a couple of nights ago, I had one of those tornado dreams. I must have seen the news on all those tornados in the south and it stuck. I also watched a program on the National Geographic Channel about what would happen if a tornado hit a city. Maybe that had something to do with it.

I am fascinated with severe weather, I have always been. I have always wanted to take a spring off and go chase tornadoes. I know what your'e thinking... Eric... what a fucking nerd! Nerd or not, I would think that was the coolest. Some people jump outta plane for excitement so fuck ya...

In this dream, there was a small storm cellar off of my house and I couldn't get into it. I struggled to get my fat ass into the door but couldn't. Everybody else fit but poor me. Needless to say, I didn't get killed from this rogue tornado. but it scared the fuck outta me. I awoke in a sweat and disoriented. I usually don't wake from a nightmare but this one felt real for some reason.

While visiting reletives in Montana, I saw a tornado form dip in and out of clouds but never touched the ground. I've seen a couple north of Rapid.

Dreams are funny.

My daughter was given a computer from Marnies parents. It's an older Dell that they don't use anymore. We got a wireless router and now she gets the internet in her room. The wireless router has a range of 400 ft. Now if you have the right hardware, you could get free internet off of my account if you lived near me.

Well more later...

P.S. Where did everybody go???
