age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Assholes Of The Week...

Monday, March 20
Okay.. I know it's suppose to be "Idiot" instead of "Asshole" but I'm changing it okay???

My "Asshole of the Week" is pleural this week. There are two of them. Bob Newland of Hermosa and Bill Napoli of Rapid City.

Newland is a fellow from the sticks. Hermosa sits about 17 miles south of Rapid City. Newland has been trying to get "Mary Jane" legalized for medicinal use here in the Great Sociallistic State of South Dakota for years. I'm figuring that he will start suffering from glaucoma as soon as that feeble lame assed attempt to get that legalized. He is also a hound at writing his opinion to the paper. He also is a would be candidate for every political office in the State of South Dakota. He can't get elected because of his kooky causes and out spoken behavior towards those who oppose him. I like Bob Newland for his attempts to do what he does. He a fucking rebel and he isn't afraid to let someone know it. The reason I have put him on this prestigious list is because of his latest fiasco with a certain piece of legislation.. one that would be to hard to explain and you would probably lose interest and click away.

Asshole #2. A fitting title seeing that you #2 with your asshole. Rep. Bill Napoli. He is a state representitive for the right winged morons in Rapid City. Mr. Napoli recently has stated that rape was a "simple" crime and that since it's simple and you get pregnant... Too fucking bad!!! You'll have to live with some scumbags offspring for 18 years blah, blah, blah.. The constituents of this guy should be proud!!!

I decided to make these two upstanding (okay partially upright walking) dudes my "Assholes of the Week" together because of the fact that they had state law enforment (DCI - Division of Criminal Investigation, South Dakota take on the FBI except the FBI solves crimes) working privately for each other on separate issues. Newland had them investigating a person in Sioux Falls that offended (Newland) because of an opinion of a piece of state legislation. Napoli had the same organisation investigating Newland for some off color remarks Newland made on the's blog site about Napoli's heritage and the torching of the imaginary grocery store Napoli imaginarily owns. These two jokers are tying up law enforcement because they are acting like a couple of 6 year olds. Over a couple of fucking opinions. Grow up assholes and act like adults. We deserve better!!! And DCI??? What the hell are you doing working for these jamokes. They will ruin your (sic) credibility...
