age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

And He Twists His Ankle....

Sunday, March 5
After getting home last night, I got outta the car to walk into my house and stepped into a slight low spot in my driveway twisting the fuck outta my ankle. I didn't hear a pop or feel a tear but is hurts like hell. It is swollen but that has receded since the morning. Hobbling around, taking a piss is an endevour.

I'm starting a new segment to this blog tomorrow and will ahppen every Monday. I call it "Idiot of the Week". Some people you'll know, others you won't. It should be fun.

Well... I going to hobble to the laundry room and wash a load of clothes. I hope my ankle is better by Tuesday when I return to work.
