age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

A Super Suck Ass Bowl...

Sunday, February 5
Everybody had it picked right... Pittsburgh was going to win but "fucking" come on!!!! Officiating in the No Fun League has become ridiculous. The rules of the goddamn game have become ridiculous. But... what a better way to waste fours of your life though. I will never get those four hours back.

The NFL has become so big because of marketing and hype, they have the American public buffaloed into thinking it's a quality game. Back in 1975, it was a quality game. Take the NBA. Add bad hip hop background music to grimacing faces slamming a pumpkin in a wicker basket. There is nothing badassed about the NBA. Why anybody watches it is beyond me. And the funny thing? The NBA Champions also call themselves "World Champions" when the same fuckers lose at the last Summer Olympics.

NASCAR.... Hmmm... Here's another "sport" that's kinda dumb. Drive in a counter clockwise circle for 500 miles. I can drive along an interstate system for 500 miles on one set of tires no less and actually get somewhere. Go Dale Jr. A sport created by criminals... lovely!!! And they call themselves World Champion when they win.

MLB.... Baseball, America's past time. A sport that used to be genuine, now filled with juiced athletes that can jack the ball between states. No longer an American sport because they fish for players south of the border. Yet they still call themselves World Champions when they win. They play baseball like mad fuckers in the orient you know....

NHL... I'm not going to say anything bad about these crazy bastards. When the ref lets defensive men scrap it out until one player falls to the ice, now that's a fucking sport worth watching. When another player breaks the neck of another player, that's a rough fuckin' game. In all the time I have watched a Stanley Cup playoff, not once did I hear the winning team call themselves, World Champion. The winner of the Stanley Cup is all. Every network gave up on the NHL with the exception of OLN which coverage isn't that good but at least it's hockey.

Is it American idealism or the fact that most American sports think the world is America? Probably both. The NFL can say World Champion all they want but the rest of the world knows the difference.