age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Super "sitting on my Ass" Sunday...

Sunday, February 5
Well... the team I said would win did.. The officiating in the game was much to be desired. That's why football is down the list of the sports I watch. None the less it was better game than I remember seeing.

While out Friday night we ended up at Philly's. After I returned from picking up the daughter from work and taking her home, there were three guitarists playing rudementary blues. Rudementary blues isn't bad per say. Out of all the genre's there is to play... the blues is the simplest. Chord play is limited to 3 or 4, mostly a six bar blues rhythm and blues or pentatonic scales for guitar soloing. I love soloing to those types of blues chords because if you fuck up... nobody really knows. The musicians weren't too bad... No Eric Clapton or Vince Converse, formally of Sunset Heights but not bad.

That's the problem with guitar players being objective to the way other guitarists play. Little nuances and quirks are hard to ignore. I would give the band a positive review.

The equipment I have is a Charvel Model 3 played through a Peavey Triumph 120 tube amplifier preamped to a Kustom 125. The effects pedals I use are a Stereo Chorus and a Supra Distortion made by DOD. I've had a few guitars in my life but like the neck on the Charvel/Jackson. I had an Ibenez Destroyer I bought in California for cheap and loved the way the guitar slung.. I miss it.

I have played in bands years ago with my brother, John. He leans toward the Fender Stratocaster through a Fender Twin Chorus. He is a much better player than I but I try to keep pace.

I went to California back in 1986 to play with a group of guys from where I grew up. I met a lot of music people out there. Neal Schon of Journey, Dave Meneketti from Y&T, to name a few. The only problem with the situation out there was that everybody in the band was more into the drugs than music so I left. I had fun while it lasted.

Anyways... playing music takes my troubles away and it's something I don't need help with... it's all me.