age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Pulpit or Soapbox...

Tuesday, February 7
What do you say at a funeral? Do you praise the individual in the casket? Their accomplishments in life, the life that the person brought by being among us, the family of the deceased? I'm not sure... but I have been to a few funerals and I understand that it is not a place to bring up certain subjects. Apparently I was wrong when it comes to politicians.

Case in point... Caretta Scott King's funeral today. Many famous people attended. The likes of (egad..) Oprah, Jesse (I can't receive a break) Jackson, Jimmy Carter, The Clinton's, George Bush and Laura, and countless others. To say that these people actually cared for the dead person in the casket is ... most likely marginal. The reason heads of State, politicians, actors, and other swine are seen at these high dollar affairs is strictly for a photo opportunity. To say Mrs. King was actually chummy with the likes of Oprah... I don't think so. From what I have seen in the woman, she had too much class to degrade herself to Oprah's level. Oprah is a television icon and nothing more. She has neither help society or changed the forward movement of time. Most in the entertainment industry are like her.

Now... the country, understandably, isn't fond of the direction the country is vectoring with all that's happening in the Bush administration. Hell, I'm even disappointed. But there is a time and place for the trash talk of partisan politics and a funeral isn't one of them. Has the political climate worsened so much that members of a opposing political party to use a funeral to push an agenda? Tactlessness and disgusting. I didn't think Democrats, or any party for that matter, could bring themselves down to pond scum level with the antics played out at a funeral. These people knew that George Bush was going to be there and used a dead woman's funeral to give him a tongue lashing.

Now let's get something straight here... before any left wing nut job tells me to shut my fucking mouth and fucking die, I am, in no way, defending George Bush. I am trying to conveys that politics has reach a new low milestone with the antics of partisan politics today by left leaning people. I would be saying the same thing if it were the right wing shit bags doing the same thing. A funeral is a sacred event that should be about the life of the person who is dead, not the political attributes of the current political administration.

I figure since the circus funeral of Mrs. King was played out on television and the people who had words to say knew it. Nobody has ever said a celebrity or politician was smart... Kanye West can attest to that. With the advent of the celebrity and mass media, you can't trust the empty face speaking to you through your television. Celebrities are self centered and will do anything to make sure that they are the center of attention because they need the next job and the cash that comes with it. They both PRETEND to care about something. Nothing a celebrity has ever done can be said to extend the betterment of humankind. If you can find one... let me know and I'll be the judge on whether it is a fact or not. I have that right because this is MY site.

In conclusion... leave it to wealthy, affluent, white America to fuck up a funeral of a black lady. The sad part is most black politicians are defending the people who spoke today. Again, blinded by the seething political climate and losing a chance to honor a fine person with praise and glory. When will these fuckers ever learn?
