age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Nobody Will Find Out...

Wednesday, February 22
Like I have said in the past, Celebrities are the quintessential dumbasses of the world. Ego makes you stupid. Look at Paris Hilton.

Another sex tape is on the verge of becoming public. This time it's Kid Rock and Scott Stapp. Not together mind you. But the two with 4 other women. I would expect it involving Kid Rock with his cousins but the wholesome Christian boy Scott Stapp??? I'm sure Jesus himself is shitting his robe screaming, "Not you Scotty, Not you!!!!!"

Like other celebrity sex tapes, which some have said that they are created and distributed to jumpstart an ailing career, the performers in the skin flick are going to court to stop the distribution of it. Nice ploy boys.

The general public loves to look at the famous fucking. When news of the tape featuring Tommy "Monster Cock" Lee and Pam "I only eat that kind of meat" Anderson, everybody needed to see. Look at the careers of the two just prior to the tapes release and look now. In Scott Stapp's case, a live on TV resurrection couldn't put a spark his no talent career. But Kid Rock... that is just an everyday kinda thing that you would expect him to do.