age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Monday, February 6
Since I slept most of the day away, I'm having trouble going to sleep.

I'm glad I added the tracker to my site. It's interesting to see who visits. Most of you are lurkers. Even though you do stop by... don't just leave, leave a comment or hello or fuck you.... something, I don't care!! I am a lurker sometimes. I check my tracker to see who has stopped by and it usually tells me and I click to visit them. I get some interesting people checking me out.

This medium is truly the neatest thing to come around. If you would have told me that a thing called a "Weblog" would come around for all to read, I would have said, "What???" we live in a great time. A time where new things pop up overnight. Most of them are insignificant but some are. Who would have believed that reading the daily happenings of somebody you didn't know would interest you. I guess the reading of somebody's diary would be facinating but they don't want you doing that. This deal.... blogging, you want people to read what you have to say, regardless.

The way things happen these days is a lot like the music happenings in the late 80"s and early 90's. Take Nirvana for instance. They happened overnight and put alot of long haired musicians outta work. I think that is pretty powerful. Something new will probably replace this medium in the near future.

But for now... I'll keep making absolutly no sense whatsoever now for all of you to think to yourselves... "That son of a bitch is one strange motherfu...."

Good night all...
