age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Is That Shit On Your Shoe???

Friday, February 24
Alright... South Dakota... Full of moron legislators. South Dakota is the first state to ban abortion and defy Roe v. Wade. Of course this little bit of legislation won't get far.

I'm pretty moderate in my political thinking. And I think that if it's attached to your body, it's yours to deal with. Once it falls off or out it's different. I wouldn't want some idiots religion beliefs droned up my ass. You couldn't get one legislator to define a sentient being if the goddamn definition was glued to their hand.

Individuals don't want some stranger telling you what you can and can't do (within the confines of the law) to your body. Do-gooders, what I call them, would shit if we told them they can't practice their religion because it does harm to the society as a whole. It's a amendment guaranteed you by the constitution.

Let the South Dakota political circle fall flat on their smug faces. This goddamn fight is going to cost everybody something before it's over $$$...
