age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Sunday, February 26
I heard the alarm in the dream but thought it was a smoke alarm. So I'm searching through out this building looking for the shut off to this alarm but can't find it. Usually I'm stuck someplace in my underwear, trying to get to my clothes. The only problems are I don't know what happened to my clothes and I'm miles away from home. I was fully clothed in this dream. I found the alarm going off and now I'm up.

I normally set my alarm for 7:15 when I have to work at 9:00. Today for some reason it was set for 7:10 but the clock was an hour ahead. So I'm up at 6:25. Oh well, this gives me time to oreint myself and I don't feel rushed to get ready. For some reason, this weekend seems to be dragging on forever. This never happens on my weekend off.

I received a nasty note on my car while at work Friday. Of course the fucking bastard who wrote it didn't leave thier name. I saw it on my windsheild, looked at it and then tossed it over my shoulder. Hey, it wasn't my garbage!! I was hoping somebody saw me and claimed I was littering. Nope. I have been parking where I have been parking for 2 years and now somebody has a problem about it. It's probably some small man who thinks they have the power to boss somebody around. Wield your power fuckhead!!! Because if I know who you are and I see you out... I'll wield my power.. right upside your fucking noggin. Blah, blah, blah..

Well to the shower I go, then off to work...
