age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Happy VD...

Tuesday, February 14
As you know today is VD. Not the unwelcomed abdominal pain type with the constant itching, fluid buildup, foul smelling odor, but the heart type. None the less Happy Valentine's Day...

Onward... I made myself a deal when I started this journal. 1. I would try and keep it interesting, 2.I would try to leave entries in it every day. Now I truly didn't think anybody except friends and such would be looking at it. Sure, I wouldn't care as much if strangers commented on it's content as much as friends but I find this medium a great way to turn strangers into friends to which was never my purpose. That was an added bonus to this.

There are days when I truly have nothing to talk about. I wish I could tell stories of my adventures at work but value my employment and the cash involved with it. It's vague to what end I may speak about my experiences in my job because I could tell a shitload of interesting stuff. I try and vague reach topic every so often when you see the title "Human Condition". Some human's are just stupid and the tales of thier stupidity should be told. I have come to the conclusion that my life isn't as bad as I thought before working in an E.R.. In the places I have gone, people from this area are the most inconsiderate, rude people I have ever dealt with.

In the statement above about not having anything to talk about... This is one of those days. Nothing of interest has happened. Except... Congratulations to Lesley W. She passed her National Registry exam to become South Dakota's newest Paramedic. Great Job Lesley!!! I told you you could do it!!!
