age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

But It Looks Human...

Thursday, February 9
It's funny how our species tries to make other species like humans. There is a certain comedic value to it. Now as seen in the flickr page to the right, I'm particular to the canine. I like an animal that takes the time to get up and sit to greet me when I get home. Cat lovers will tell you that dogs are the brown nosing pleaser whores of the animal kingdom... Okay I'll give them that but... a cat can't wake me when my house is getting broken into.

My dog is a beagle. If any of you know, a beagle is a pack hound meaning they are best in packs and they bark... well more like a howl and they do it loudly. Now Zeke's been with my family since he was 9 weeks old. He's a Westminster, Colorado born puppy. Zeke will sometimes exhibits some human qualities. Of all the dog breeds out there, the hound has the best facial expression. The only thing bad about a hound is once they catch a scent of something worth investigating, that is their main best purpose and they don't listen. Zeke has escaped many times.

No matter what you hear from others, the beagle is a very smart and stubborn animal. I know when the little fucker has done something bad because he doesn't greet me when I come home and he's peering at you from a dark room or just a bit out of sight. My dog thinks he's getting away with stuff too. If my Daughter has candy in her room and he gets ahold of it, he won't just eat it. He'll come trouncing through the living room tossing it into the air, thinking we don't see him. Now I said the breed was smart but he lacks common sense.

Lately he's been getting into the garbage which just pisses me off to no end. Marnie's right when she says it's because he's inside all day while everybody's gone and he acting out.

I got off subject now I'll get back on... The reason I was talking about the humanizing of domestics pets correct? We found a halloween costume in a bargain bin someplace and bought it. The costume is a shark costume where only the face is peering out of the sharks mouth. I thought this should be priceless. Unfortunately, in our twisted nirvana we didn't look at the circle around the S meaning for a small pet. Luckily, it should fit the cat. When I get pictures I'll post them hastily.

Is is degrading for your animal to be the subject of your personal hilarity. I think it is as long as the animal isn't hurt in some manner. When I was a stupid kid, we would put a piece of tape on our cat's foot and watch him jiggle it at the speed of light to get it off. I wouldn't think of doing that now mind you. I did notice that they sell booties for your pet if they are out in the snow... same concept I think.

Well, as soon as I get the cat into the shark outfit... I'll post them,. Until later..
