age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Back Again...

Sunday, February 12
I'm back from the mini-conference in Spearfish. I'm so much smarter now than I was on Friday.

As I sat listening to lecturers talk about the subjects that they were asked to present. A few would ask for audience answers. Some questions were basic some more complex. The people sitting in front of me were from Keystone. One of them is Connie, a nurse I work with in Rapid. Next to me across the aisle were some uber medics. Uber meaning they live their existence EMS. Everything they had on had a blue star on it and were emblazened with the letters EMS. This affliction usually hit the older EMT's. They work on the Spearfish ambulance crew. I hope not to end up needing medical care in Spearfish if these two yokals are working. Husband and wife teams just, in my opinion, detrimental to patient care. No different than a couple who sees each other. My opinion. Anyways... listening to these two crystal clear morons answer questions, it got to the point that Jager and I were saying, Ahhh, NNnnooo...."

It was fun seeing all the people you see two to three times a year.
