age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Your Favorite..... whatever.

Wednesday, December 7
Do you have a favorite something you wear? I have a favorite hat. I have never worn it around friends because of the shit they will give over it. But I think it's the coolest. I remember wanting this hat forever except it was $50.00. I didn't care about the price because I loved it soooo!! This winter, I plan on wearing it more and more. AND I don't give a shit how much guff I get. I like it and that's what is important.

The hat is a Seattle Sombrero from Outdoor Research. It's gore-tex and very warm, definitely a cooler season or winter wearing hat. I have owned this hat for four years and my best friend has never seen me in it. I usually wear it around the house and yard. Anyways... here it is

I think it's cool....
