age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Why Do We Do It...

Wednesday, December 21
Watching people at the mall this afternoon made me realize that the mall is the sixth gate to hell. Full of fucking shitheads going on thier happily merry way. The commercialization of Christmas... I don't care if Christmas is commercialized or not. Who gives a shit except assholes who got thier christmas shopping done in July. Those fuckers are the ones complaining about the cash laundering that is Christmas. While we shop in the mega plex department stores, the goddamn merchandise is the same year round. Around the holidays (Goddamn right.. Holidays!!! because there is more than one day that is celebrated in December not just the birth of the Messiah) They put a ribbon on it or change the color of the box to red and green and place Happy Holidays on it and put it in a fucking sales ad. This is how Christmas is and has always been you fucks!!!

Now that I got that out... I feel soo much better. Look... This is the age of capitalism and this is the way Christmas has been celebrated since the industrial age. Don't tell me different because you'd be lying. We got presents and the birthday of Jesus was secondary. The hero of Christmas has always been Santa Claus. Nobody fucking complains on Easter. But I'm sure some group will say that eating candy and hardboiled eggs on the day Christ was killed is a sin and all the children who participate will burn in hell for eternity. People are becoming too fucking crazy over this whole Merry Christmas issue that it's becoming a joke. This is not the first year that " Happy Holidays", "Season's Greetings" has been used. Propaganda is the reason this shit is out of control. I'm not angry about it but it's just stupid.

As a Christian, I feel nothing is wrong with a store worker saying, "Happy Holidays". There is no harm in that. I can see the reason stores are doing it also. That's just the way it should be. What they should be saying is " Happy Dollar Days" or "Merry Capitalism." That's fine too. The more the consumer purchases, the better it is for everybody if you think about it.
