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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Things That Piss Me Off...

Thursday, December 1
I did this list on a previous blog but that not the point. To start this new month out on a down note (Whatever the fuck that means) I have nothing better to do but complain.

  1. People who interupt you while you are talking. Just fucking assholes.
  2. People whose attitude is short, more assholes
  3. People who drive in the passing lane at 60 MPH.
  4. People with small teeth and big gums
  5. Hello Kitty..... ARGGGG!!!
  6. Camaro's from the 1980's
  7. Going to the Wal-Mart in Rapid City, SD
  8. Mullets on women.
  9. Taco Bell
  10. People who grab stuff out of your hand. FUCK I hate that!!!
  11. Chewing on aluminum foil
  12. Redundant dialog in porn
  13. Black Hills radio, DJ's and thier stupid banter
  14. Puking after a piss drunk night out.
  15. People who say "dude" after every sentence
  16. Any movie Pauly Shore is connected to.
  17. Celebrities taking up political commentary

I'm sure there is more but I'm tired


  • I hate people who brake unecessarily. Driving along, going the speed limit, nothing in front of them, nothing in danger of jumping in front of them and they tap their brakes. Why? I want to hit bump them just for being stupid. That probably makes me an asshole, but really. Why? Why do they do that?

    Oops. Now you have something else to add to your list: people who rant on your comments.

    By Blogger Lushy, at 01 December, 2005 10:31  
  • I meant "hit or at least bump them." Serves me right, calling people stupid while I was being stupid myself.

    By Blogger Lushy, at 01 December, 2005 10:32  
  • About the people who interrupt while you're talking--I can go one better. How about people who enter the room talking, without bothering to see if they're interrupting anyone. My mom, who I loved dearly, used to do this. You'd be engrossed in conversation with someone, and she'd come strolling in from another room, already 2 sentences into whatever she was saying. I used to say, "Mom, we were talking," and she'd just look bewildered like I was explaining physics.

    By Blogger karla, at 02 December, 2005 20:13  
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