age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Sounds Sweet...

Sunday, December 4
A while ago I stumbled upon a website of a 14 year old jazz singer from Denver, CO, named, Erienne Romaine. I didn't think much about it and listened to her music. I am a lover of Jazz. It's soothing when you are angry and powerful. Years ago I wouldn't have been caught dead with it in my collection. Getting older and you acquire tastes. The world doesn't revolve around rock and roll. Rock and roll is the candystore to the world and Jazz is fine art collection in the museum.

Ms. Romaine suffers from an " arteriovenous malformation". Most, if not all, the people with this condition are unaware of it and die. Ms. Romaine collapsed at a rehearsal and was taken to the hospital when a CT scan discovered it. She has been going through treatment to seal up the malformation to avoid a major venous bleed in her brain which will most likely kill her.

Here's the kicker... her parents have no insurance and medical costs are piling up. To help with ther costs, Erienne has released a cd called, "The Scenic Route". I have listened to it and am amazed at the voice on this young lady. Purchases of the cd will go completely to the medical bills that plague her.

If you want to listen to some sample tracks on the cd, Click the highlighted title here, The Scenic Route sample tracks.

If you are interested in purchasing the music, click here, Buy "The Scenic Route".

I usually don't pitch stuff like this but this is definitely for a great cause!!! Spread the word about this singer because she's very good. Don't be a cheap ass!!!
