age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Something To Think About

Tuesday, December 6
Hunting. A *sport* that I don't indulge in. When I was younger I did. What swore me off of it was when I shot an animal with a 30/30, it screamed like a baby. Freaked my ass out!!! I don't hunt anymore. Getting up at 4:30am, on your day off from work to walk for mile in the forest searching for an animal to kill it. Naw. Some say hunting keeps down animal population. Isn't that what higher food chain animals are for, that can't order from a Wendy's.

I heard a statistic this morning on approximately how many mammals are killed per year for human consumption... 9.8 billion a year. I have no problem with that. KFC, McDonalds, Wendy's... more power to ya. Let the people who serve these food giants pen in these creatures for our love of food.

I also heard a theory on why nobody gives a shit when it comes to fishing. Nobody protests by a lake. It's because the fish don't have eyebrows. No emotion in thier faces. Eyebrowless creatures are easier to kill. Anyways....
