age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Ooooo The Words of Wisdom in the Form of a Comment..

Thursday, December 22
If you read my rant from yesterday and looked through the comments, you'll see the vulgarity and obtuse response I received from an individual who obviously sexually abuses the hamster family of rodents multiple times a day. Normally I would ignore this type of obscene ignorance but if you know me... well you know me.

The thing that gets me is if this piece of shit did his/her homework before spitting up the contents of a cancer patients man diaper, this site has a tracker. This tracker gives up, IP address, LAN name, the city in which the carrier is located and country of origin. With a little cash and the right connections... I'm sure I could easily find out who this dumb motherfucker is for starters and create my own response if wanted.

So, if you want to comment and be a fuckhead about it... at least leave an address so I might respond to your asshole licking comment. Otherwise, I'll find ya one way or another...

Happy Fucking Holidays