age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Sunday, December 11
Thinking this morning about an event to happen the first week of January left me thinking. Sure, another friend has gone through it and is fine... I think. Ross, I believe hasn't gone off the deep end or started wearing the standard white tanktop looking undershirt that the stereotypical old guy wears with the half shaven face and the old man flip flops that come with it. Actually he looks relatively well for an old sh-art of 39.

Me, on the other hand, will be reaching that pinical time in January. I know that shit won't change over night. Perhaps the look will start to change quicker and will be harder to cover up. I'll wake up January 4th, struggling to get out of bed, mixing my Metamucil and fixing myself something soft to eat so my digestive tract can transform the bolus into a soft form so that egress from my aging body will be quiet and event-free. Okay... it's not going to happen that way but at 25, I truly believed that was going to happen at this specific time in my life. I didn't ask Ross, of course, how his first bowel movement at 39 was... and I really don't want to know (But I'm sure in the comments of this post, he's going to divulge). I don't know why 39 became the number when I was younger. Perhaps 39 isn't 40, because 40 sounded way to old back them.

I don't fear getting old.. really. It's a coal train that is free rolling down a 9% grade that is impossible to stop. At 25, I thought that 14 years would be a lifetime away. How fucking wrong I was. Do you hear me screaming from one of the cars on the runaway train? I heard Ross' screams, but his diminished because he hasn't the stregnth to scream as loud as me now that he's 39. I'll keep screaming until Jan. 4th.

By the way... Marnie turned 36 today.... Ohhhh to be 36 again. Happy Birthday !!!! And keep screaming because that's all you have left until you are old like Ross and I.


UPDATE!!! Marnie is correcting me on the age... between 26 and 32 is her actual age. I believe that's the ages she said she will stay until the end of time. E.