age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Now the Returns.....

Sunday, December 25
The next hell on earth will happen Monday when you try and return a gift that you don't need, have two of them or in my case... a product that didn't work right. The item in question was the iPod mini speakers we got my daughter from Radio Shack. We hooked it up and it sounded alright until Kahlyn realized that only the right speaker worked. First the receipt must be found, second is finding time to actually get to Radio Shack. This time we are going to have them open the package and we are going to hook it up before we leave the store...just in case it doesn't work a second time.

I have to work Monday then a day off... man..

I needed to say a belated Merry Christmas to Julie O, Rosie and her Family, Jenny in Pierre and her family, Barry in Mayorless Belle Fourche, Ross and Angie in Sturgis, My cousin Tana and her family, and everybody else I'm obviously drawing a blank on also, if I forgot your name let me know cuz, as Jenny puts it best, I'm a cocksucker.

None the less... See ya..

Oh Yeah.....Hey Barry and Ross???? Get a hold of me ya bastards... I need a DRINK in the worst way.
