age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

My 100th Post....

Friday, December 16
This is my 100th post. Never in my life would I have 100 subjects to talk about... Alright I tend to talk a little much but ya just keep comin' back for more...

In a town north of where I live sits Belle Fourche (pron: bell foosh). A small town with a couple of wool mills in it. One of my best friends lives there. It's quaint. A retirement community of sorts. Not much happens in Belle except for last week...

Last week the mayor tried to kill his wife. He has admitted to using her as a sparring partner and ultimate fighter loser. He also admitted to doing some pro wrestling moves on her.. ie: body slams and that kind of shit. Wow... what a guy. Here's the story if you are so interested...Psycho Mayor . This gentleman has picked fights at bars in his town too. The kicker is... he keeps winning the election for mayor. Lovely!!!!

Well folks... I'm a going to bed....

Sweet Dreams...