age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!

Sunday, December 25
I decided to take yesterday off from here. I didn't have anything much to talk about. Today I had to work, uhg.... it was busier than hell. Don't people realize that it's fucking Christmas!!!

I have worked in the service industry now for awhile. Before my ER job I worked for Pepsi Cola as a Service Technician. I loved the work but hated the people I worked for. The people ruin everything. I had to quit. I couldn't work for a supervisor that was dumber than the people who work beneath him. The only reason this guy was management was because he'd been with the company for 28 years. Promotion on years worked... dumb fucking concept!!! But the company had been through 3 warehouse managers in 4 years so that tells you that the quality of people that were hired was less than desirable.

Not only was management sub-par, the people in the public with our equipment were psycho. You can't believe the way people react when they can't get thier soda... it's ridiculous. If something malfunctioned because of operator error they were calling us and yelling because it wasn't working. Most times when we would drive 100 miles to fix something it was usually something that was unplugged or the carbon dioxide tank that carbonated the water was empty, stupid shit like that.

People are generally stupid... that includes you and me sometimes but the majority excluding you and I are dumb as a bag of hammers. I am surprised that more folks don't blow themselves up cooking or run over family members and the general public in thier vehicles. If young people would apply the energy towards bettering themselves like they have sex and getting pregnant... wow!!! need I say more. The youth of America is not self sufficient, always thinking that something is owed them. If they run into a life problem they break down and are unable to function. I don't blame this on the youths but the fucking moron parents who think they know everything. All you have to do is stop, look at the problem and work it out. freaking out isn't doing you or me any good. I'm not saying that I have never made mistakes and I have... Big ones... But I've rarely had my parents to rely on because I didn't want to owe them anymore than I needed to. If you are 18, you should be able to take care of yourself. AND.. if you make adult decisions you have to be willing to be solely responsible for your actions right? Anyways... I'll stop ranting about stuff you are probably thinking.. "What the fuck is he talking about."

Christmas was very good. I got a cordless keyboard and mouse for the computer which I'm using right now. My daughter got me a coffee table book about the history of the Electric Guitar.... very good!!! and an assortment of other stuff that is neato!!

Well Next... The New Year and My Birthday.... AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Well I'll leave you now and go eat.... Talk to ya later....

Again Merry Christmas and if you are not Christian... Happy... Whatevermica.
