age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

I'm Home....

Sunday, December 18
Another evening shift.. arrrg. Not to mention that but I have to work again next weekend.... When will it end. Thanks to Jeorpardygirl, I went to work hung over after her blogosphere drunk!! Go see her page and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Those Canadians sure know how to throw a shindig!!! Next time at my joint okay?

Thinking back to my younger days with the riff raff I hung around, we'd drink anything. Pabst Blue Ribbon, Old Milwaukee, Keystone. We found this one type of beer at a convenience store which was called, no shit... "Canadian Black Label". Whether or not it was actually imported from the Great White North is to be seen. It was cheap... really cheap, $2.89 a 12 pack. We would buy cases of it. I didn't mind it way back when. Geez what a bunch of dipshits!! I tend to be particular with my beer these days... I'm into Porters now. Stout is too strong and Wheat is too light. I still drink swill at bars that have a limited selection. It's Bud Light then....

Well I'm tired and I wanna go to bed..... See ya...
