age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

I Applaud Your Sneakiness

Tuesday, December 20
Have you seen the Adam Sandler movie, "Mr. Deeds"? Remeber the butler and his ability to sneak up on others in the movie. I compare that guy to the people pushing Intelligent Design. We all know ID is a ploy by the extreme radical conservatives to get the Adam and Eve theory taught to our kids on the tax payers dime.

I don't mind that theory taught to our children but not with my taxes. The church doesn't pay so they haven't a say. That's the way it should be. This theory is taught to children at home and church, not publicly funded schools. I attend church like every Christian does but if a pastor or preist is going to use the pulpit to politicize a view, well that's where the trouble starts. Preists and others associated type ministers should be silenced in politics. You can play as long as you pay. America isn't a "free" country. You get to do the things guaranteed to you as long as you pay the piper of the tax.

Do we really want to live in a church state? Where a non elected person decides what you can and can't do on the basis of his interpretation of the Bible? Didn't you watch Footloose? What happens when Muslms gain majority in the Great House of Rules? Does the game end until a person of your liking ends up leading again? That's why we can't have a religious zealots leading us

So hooray for the killing of Intelligent Design... It's something tax payers don't need taught.
