age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

I Apologize...... What the ...

Tuesday, December 27
I apologize for the last post. It was written early this morning after the last ambulance call and I was trying to get sleepy so I might.... well go to sleep. After reading it, I realized that I was giving you fine people a shit posting. The crazy shit you do when you are have asleep. I'm sorry... it will never happen again... let's hope... Well I can't swear on it but I'll try as hard as I can..... Alright I get it!!! I'm a fucking loser!!!

It sounded good while I wrote it but after you step back and take a good hard look... What a piece of shit. Okay...

The place where I work is going to implement a smoke-free workplace in May. Thank the good lord I don't smoke. Those poor fuckers are going to be on the goddamn edge of thier chairs. I'm having a hard time understanding why they are doing this to people in America. I understand that smoking is bad for you, I've see the stupid commercials from "" and watching them make me want to grab a pack of smokes and puff on 6 at a time. So ""?? You're commercials are not edgy or graphic enough to stop people from taking a drag off of anything. As a matter of fact the people who are smoking in the commercials look relaxed and happy. You need to show a portly 54 year old man in his tighty whities and a wife-beater struggling to get off of the can after a good crap, coughing his lungs out while ending with him making the "I'm coughing up a loogy" sound with a subtle fart at the end.

Smell-o-vision would ram the point home. While watching one of these commercials with the dude coughing so hard he's sharting in his undies... The Smell-o-vision could fill your living room with the smell of a fresh dump being flushed down the crapper, the smell of a freshly smoked Pall-Mall still lingering and the subtle puke smell of last nights drinking binge. Now that would stop anybody, maybe, from smoking. But I don't have to worry because I don't smoke. But I bet non-smokers would laugh.

I don't smoke... I chew tobacco. When people hear of that they say... "Ooo, That's worse." Okay... how is that worse? With the pinch between my cheek and gum how is that second hand Copenhagen harming you? Yeah the tobacco comes into contact with my cheek... but how is that harming anybody but myself? And who gave the state the authority to tell me I can't chew tobacco? Our fine Governor (sic) started a program that all healthcare facilties are implementing to stop employees from smoking. WHY????? If somebody wants to smoke.... let them do it in thier car over thier lunch hour. With this program, we as a society just stepped in a puddle called communism. You remember that??? It's where the State tells you what you can and can't do, can and can't say, etc.... What's next that our own little mein fuhrer will say we can't do, drive foriegn cars??

As I stated again... with the wording of the "smoke free" language.. I'm ahead of the game!!! I'm already smoke free. Watch this movie - "THX 1138 or "Logan's Run"... That's the way we are heading with all of this government interference in our lives.

I hope this was a better quality post than the last.... So I bid you farewell..
