age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Tuesday, December 6
Should the sex industry have thier own domain on the internet? It would come in the form of . xxx instead of .com. Conservative groups like the Family Research Council say it would only lead to an increase in online porn and legitimize the industry. An increase??? Legitimize the industry???

Porn is a legitimate industry. People make money off of it and it's legal. What is the difference between using your mind or genitalia? Smart people profit from thier high IQ's and the male porn star with the humungous dick does the same. What's the fucking difference? I'll tell you... It involves groups like those above.

People in the mainstream look at these folks who crank out movies as degenerates. But... look at the amatuer side of it. More people are filming themselves fucking these days and distributing it. Mainstream actresses (if you can actually call them actresses) are out there with sex tapes and make damn good money off of them.

As for the increase of porn... I didn't know there was a decrease in it. The thing that baffles me is that it's okay to have unrepentive graphic violence showing dismemberments, blood spurting from gunshot wounds, stabbings, beatings as second nature. But a money shot is not the same?

Your probably thinking... This motherfucker (me) is one perverted bastard. Come on people!!! You think the same way about porn. Don't deny it!! Why we have GROUPS telling us what is bad and what is good is our main problem.
