age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Got Glue???

Thursday, December 15
Have you heard about the guy who was shopping at a Home Depot in Colorado, used a toilet in the men's room that had glue on the seat? Okay, I think it sounds fishy or shitty take it either way.

First of all, what type of glue was it? Of all the glues I have used in my travels. Most dry before any application of anything. Maybe I'm slow at placing my stuff that needs applicating but come on!!!!!!!!!

Super Glue dries quickly. As many of you out there know if you have glued your fingers together. A little finger nail polish remover and viola, unstuck fingers.

Now I'm pretty sure that WE ALL look at the seat before sitting down to do anything that involves your naked ass on anything public. If you are smart you use those "Ass Gaskets", the thin paper in the dispenser behind the shitter. And We all look to see if the previous person who used the toilet has flushed. So in essence, you have to look at the crapper a total of three times before you sit. I, personally, am NOT going to a public shitter at Home Depot. Most men are in a tool finding frenzy to actually piss without hitting the seat at a Home Depot.

So this man is suing Home Depot because he got stuck to the seat while taking a shit at thier store. Who shits at a Home Depot? I believe this guy got clever, bought some Super Glue, applied it to the seat, sat down, then tossed the half empty glue bottle down the front where his junk was, flushed it down the crapper, waited until it dried a little, then yelled for help. An easy scam for somebody not embarrassed to shit in public.

Here's the second question? Did he dump his load, realized he was stuck and then realizing that somebody was going to have to either peel his skin away from the seat. Or in this case, take the seat bolts out and leave the glued attachement attached. Flush his expelled contents before help arrived? Or being the type of guy who shits in public, leave the floater for rescue personnel to enjoy?

There are more scenarios to this than the Kennedy assassination. Anyways... Moral to story... Inspect the shitter before you shit or pee in the case of females.
