age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Give Me The Specifics.. Goddamn it!!!

Monday, December 5
I've noticed more people are vague in thier speak these days. Nobody can give you the specifics that you are asking for in a question.

Take my job for instance. I sit in the triage area and the sick and down trotten enter the E.R through two automatic opening doors. Now we have a large sign in our lobby that states : "YOU MUST TALK TO THE TRIAGE NURSE FIRST." Of course these assholes look at the sign as they are walking by it and go straight to the registration window. After the registration clerk tells them they have to check with triage first... they then stammer over to my window irritated because they have to walk an extra 10 feet to see us. They typically say: (add huffy demeanor and attitude) "I guess I'm supposed to see you first?" To which I say, "Uh yeah, If you would have read the large fucking sign.. the big one you almost tripped over while you were walking in, you would have used that thick skull and it's contents to sway left instead of going straight to registration. How can I help your sorry ass today?" They then tell me why they are wanting to see a doctor and I send them back to registration and they stammer back. Or... I actually see people read the sign, instructing them to go to triage first then they look at registration and at triage, back and forth, with a stupid look on thier face, like they are making a life changing decision to become gay or stay straight. When I finally open the sliding window and ask, "How may I help you?" They waddle over. When I ask a third time "How can I help YOU?" The words that come out of thier mouths are "I'm sick."
To which I say, "Uh..Okay... what type of sick are you??" I think to myself as they stand there processing the question you had just asked them, "What The FUCK!!!" They usually respond, "You know... sick" I would like to ask them someday, "Okay... sick like, you want to fuck a ham sandwich or sick ha ha?"

Before I go further, we here in my locality have some of the dumbest people on the planet. I'm not just being mean to people because I enjoy it.... well... I'll get to that in a later post. People here, think that they are entitled to just about everything and that the world revolves around them on a daily basis. And if they are inconvienenced a mere iota, they assume they have the right to treat working folk like shit!! Oh sure... if you are spending your money and are from out of state it's much different. When you add a tummy ache or a raging case of the shits... multiply that to the 15th power. These people don't get mad per say, they become smart assed and irritated. I would prefer mad over irritated.

After they explain to me why they are coming to the ER, I instruct them to get registered and I'll call them over here as soon a I get thier chart, so we can get vitals and more info on illnesses. Most folks are hip to the instructions and have no qualms with us. It's just those few who use the ER like a clinic who are the ones that ruin your day. People taking care of people who are sick (Not ham sandwich sick mind you... but we still have to deal with those twisted fucks also) may look all smiley and caring, but to us it's our job and you have had days on your job when the prick supervisor is riding you ass, like your parents did to get you to clean your goddamn room when you were a teenager.

Have a nice (fucking) day...
