age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Cartoon Mind...

Tuesday, December 27
Well today was my day off ..kinda. I wasn't officially not working until noon when my on-call shift ended 18 hours later. If you read the post below about the first call I got.. I ended up on another at 0330. A 13 week pregnant lady with severe cramping and bleeding at the eastbound Rest Area. We took her into the hospital. So I didn't get home until 0500 and didn't get back to sleep until 0645. I didn't wake up until noon. Okay onto my subject for today.....

We all grew up watching cartoons. If your parents never let you watch them.. they are definitely sadists. With all the new cartoons (most of them make no sense to me, only a couple.) It's hard to get a favorite. We all have favorites, don't deny it. I had two that I was obsessed with. The Flintstones (Not the ones done in the 80's, but the early 60's) and The Jetsons (again... the 60's). The Flintstones were like a religion. Man I could not miss one. The Jetsons came a little later... not much later.

My favorite Jetsons episode was "Uniblab". I reference them quite often with Rosie at work. He's the one with the large head and becomes the boss of George until George teaches Uniblab his bad habits. You remember... "Back to work (click) Back to work (click) Everybody (click) work work work work (click) work work (click). That is the best line of words to come from a cartoon. The cartoon of the 60's were actually funny. The stupid ones came in the 1980's. Any cartoon in the 80's I couldn't get into. It had to be the classics from the 1960's and 70's.

All of the cartoons from Saturday morning. I loved the Bugs Bunny hour (which was actually two hours) any ways.......
