age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Cakehole vs. Piehole...

Thursday, December 15
Somebody asked me the other day the difference between "Cakehole" and "Piehole". Good question...

I think a Cakehole is harder to keep shut than a Piehole. Sure a pie has more of a consistancy than cake but... pie has crust to it and cake has frosting. You can't make a three tiered pie but you can a cake. Nobody eats wedding pie....... uh hummm. But they do eat wedding cake. So, I don't know the difference when it comes to speaking your mind. It sounded good to me when I created this blog. So, keep your cakeholes open here and thing will be just fine.
