age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Again.. Wide Awake.....

Sunday, December 4
The shit you think about when you are trying to sleep....

The first thing that entered my feeble mind was... Why don't they distribute "Quisp" cereal anymore? At least around here they don't. Quisp, the cereal with the little alien on the blue box... I loved that shit. A staple in the Colhoff household of years gone by. I found the Quisp website with products to buy including the boxed cereal. Oh those were the days... My mother was a firm believer in Cream of Wheat too.

I grew up as a kid in the 1970's. We didn't have a Cartoon Network with non-violent cartoons. We waited until Saturday so we could get up (On our own accord...) so we could veg out in front of the T.V (with the mega channel selection of 12) and watch 2 hours of violence filled Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner Show. After that it was the four minutes of School House Rock (Conjunction Junction...Fuckin' A!!) Then Super Friends with every caucasion superhero at the Hall of Justice. Then it was outside to play!!!

Feeling a little tired but I'll go on....

School House Rock.... That was the coolest. Conjunction Junction, Lolly and his Adverbs, And Bill on Capital Hill. There was a shitload of those little cartoons. I remember the one about "Electricity". Every other program had people with plaid bell bottom jeans, egad!!

Well, I'm beat and I've got to go take a test tomorrow...CPR re-cert... Shit!!

See ya...