age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

What You Make Of Yourself...

Monday, November 21
At a certain point in your young life came a decision. Go left or go right. Would you ever think that going one way could change events in your life in a positive way or you go the opposite direction thus hope and dreams fade like smoke.

The funny part is you never know it. It's a spur of the moment decision. You haven't a clue what you would have made of yourself if you happened to do one thing different. Would you have the friends you have now? Would you have married the person you have today. Financial gains or prison.

Now I'm not talking about any person in general, but you have to wonder sometimes what your life would have become if you had said no.

Think about it this way. You get up in the morning, take your shower, get dressed but can't find you car keys. It takes you approximately 15 seconds to find them. You begin driving and you slow to stop at the stop light as it turns red when the car, who is 15 seconds in front of is broadsided by a cement truck and that driver is instantly killed. You think to yourself , "Goddamn I'm glad I stopped when the light turned red." BUT, if you had your keys in ahand and didn't have to use that 15 seconds to find them, you would have been 15 second ahead driving through that intersection as the cement truck was, thus becoming a news story at 5:30 that day.

So if we make it through the day to see another and we happened to misplaced something and taking an extra minute to leave the house to where we were going, should we be thankful? Who the hell knows. But it's weird to think about it. huh?
