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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

A Thought On A Thought...

Wednesday, November 2
Before I start with the subject, Dani told me I was angry when I write. I'll agree with her. I seem as if I enjoy complaining, I do sometimes but just for the fact that it's easy to make people see a point when you put a little fire under the hat. It also helps to convince people of a point of view with a little argumentitive sarcasm. It also easier for me to explain things in this manner. Anyways.... Thanks for the feedback Dani!!!!!!!!!!!


As I was flipping through the channels after work today (In the goddamn recliner) I stopped on the Fox News Channel. I enjoy Hannity and Colmes but they weren't on. The O'Reilly Factor was. I enjoy Bill O'Reilly when his discussions do not include religion. (Too far right for me) Tonights partial disscussion was.... Should whites appologize to blacks for the wrong dealt to them. Interesting. Now myself being a minority in this vast caucasion land am not black. I am, a half breed if you will, American Aboriginal, aka: Plains Indian. Considering that I grew up off the rez and have no idea what it is like to be a rez native, speaking for one would be mere speculation.

On O'Reilly, this black author was the individual who thought that blacks (of today) were in need of a "I'm Sorry" from whites. My minds gears start creaking as the gather speed. I ask myself, "Why do black need an apology? Do blacks of today really need to be told an apology for the actions of a prior generation? I don't think so. Of any other race than whites, blacks have it pretty good. They succeed and there are more in power positions than any other minority. There isn't a white woman in this country who ranks higher in the money earnings than a black woman does. 100% of the black players in the NBA are multi-millionaires. All black players in any sport are making over $100,000 a season.

So, the next time an affluent black starts complaining about the hardship he is facing in this country... turn the fucking channel because it's bullshit. And it's always a professor or an activist who's living in the suburbs who's complaining.

I don't like complaining for my ancestial race. I hear so much about racism against Natives. I hear that natives never get a fair shake in the white world. Again...bullshit. I don't believe in exception to the rule, and I am not that. I work hard for the respect I receive from friends and co-workers. I see most looking for a break or what's owed them... Whatever... I was told at work one time, "Oh it's nice to see the hospital hiring Indians outside of housekeeping". I thanked the person but after awhile it bugged me. I felt as if he thought I was a employment quota of some sort. That statement still bugs me. I should have said, "Listen, I worked my (non) ass off for this position, treat my co-workers with the respect and I feel I deserve the same from them. I wasn't hired among these people because of the color of my skin. I learned how to work this job from the training taught to me and improved on that. And by the way, Fuck you and your conotations that I am a statistic." (The crowd roars as Eric stands and takes a bow silently saying "Thank you, Thank you very much")

Back to the ...whatever. The only time I will complain about my how my race is treated is when a blatent order of bias is seen. Being snubbed by somebody ignorant doesn't count. I can take the racial jokes for awhile and I will let you know when you are walking every so closely to an open bleeding laceration above your left eye (I say left eye because I'm right handed) Jokes are jokes. And don't tell me a Indian joke and say "No Offense". That's offensive.

In conclusion, Do blacks deserve an apology? Absolutely not. Does any minority race deserve any explanation from the majority race who had absolutely nothing to do with their situation. No. Unless a large cash settlement is involved and I am going to reap the rewards because of it. Only then... By the way.. most of my closest friends are Y-T's. he he....

  • Your welcome for the comment. You know your thoughts go deeper that I thought, I never realized. Me I don't even watch the news unless I'm on it! haha. See you at work

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 03 November, 2005 10:08  
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