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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Sunday........... I Did Nothing...

Sunday, November 13
I did nothing today for the fact I had a headache from a night out with Barry, Ross and Bob. Did I drink beer you ask.... Uh Huh. I didn't get "tore up" but probably should have ate something before drinking. I quit drinking early and let Barry get bombed. He needed it. Ross was the first to leave.

Early in the evening it was wisecrack banter between friends... in other words we insulted each other and laughed. Ross seems to get most of the shit from others. Why? I don't know. Of course Barry received his fair share as did I. The one thing you have to remember when you hang with us and alcohol is involved, you're probably going to get insulted on one form or another. It always happens. Barry offered to give a person he knows a ride to their car at the end of the night but Bob and his wife left with his pick-up earlier so it was I who did it. I finally got home at 3:30 am. I woke at 11 today moving to the couch sleeping on and off until 5 pm.

The headache isn't so bad now. Hey Julie.... I think we work together tomorrow. I haven't seen you in a long time. I work at 9am Monday. Then Tuesday it's the Regional Hospital Career Fair for the high schoolers around the area. I have done that with Jo and Justin for a couple of years now in the E.R. booth. We set up the resuscitation mannequin and let the kids use the Lifepak defibrillator to shock the mannequin, give blood pressure readings and such. We use a foley bag and fill it with apple juice to simulate urine, have fake blood and stuff. It's a fun day. We used to have another E.D. Technician who worked with us (He a city firefighter/EMT now) a couple of years ago run a code with students being the victim and assistant in the code. Dr. Hinkson would show up and run a couple of the codes. I'm sure we'll have fun again.

Well.... I'm going to depart you now.... Bye

  • Best thing to round off a night of heavy drinking is a large, spicey kebab and two pints of water.

    Trust me. How do you think I made it to the office today?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14 November, 2005 09:10  
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