age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Stand up for a Cause

Sunday, November 20
Racism, Hate crimes, Genocide... Sounds pretty bad huh. All of the preceding have happened because somebody interpreted something they had read in the Bible.

Believe it or not. Hate crimes is the dumbest of them all. Especially if the people divying out the hate are male and they are against homosexuality. What does a straight male have to fear from somebody gay? For that matter anybody. They will tell you they are protecting the sanctity of marriage! That's fucking bullshit. My opinion is and popular belief will tell you, the fuckers who have the biggest problems with any situation are the most curious about it. And will chain their closet door shut so nobody figures it out. Let's take the politician from Washington state. This gentlemen was so outspoken against gays it wasn't funny. YET.... there he was, trying to persuade a gay man to have sex with him over the internet. End result... political career over and done.

Racism. Now this is one I can't figure out. What is the point? A zebra can't take his stripes off and call himself a horse. To degrade another human being because of the color of their skin. Ignorance, wow... what a concept!!!

I'm just ranting because these things I can't figure out. It baffles the mind!!
