age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Sorry, For My Absence...

Sunday, November 6
I'm back after a three day sabbatical. Again, I blame that fucking chair!!! Sit in it and you passout like a binging drunk.

I read a story at that Prince Charles and his bee-ewe-tea-full wife Camilla (I was joking about the beautiful part) were touring the ravaged Gulf area. OK.... The only way that the United States Government can entertain other Heads of State is to show them our poor and down-trotten at their very worst... Nice. I guess a stay in the Lincoln bedroom just wasn't enough. I'd like to know who came up with that bright idea..."Charlies and Camilla are coming...what could we do... Hey, I know, let's show them some devastation!!!

Now about Camilla... "E-gad!!!" She must have a fantastic personality and is the life of the party. A true gasoline girl. That face could launch a thousand...... somethings. Well, he must love her.

Well, I'm back and will shout to you later,
