age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Media..... Pricks?

Monday, November 7
I was thinking today on how we take what the media tells us to heart. We see all sorts of stories from around the world and are they factual? Is the media politically biased? I say of course.

Look at the way Fox News covers anything political. Thier panchent coverage leans a wee right. Look at their programming. The O'Reilly Factor for instance, He leans to the right also. Hannity & Colmes, Greta....

Local news is the same. Jim Shaw can do no wrong. Mike Round is the next true messiah. Those two example tell you that the media fucking lies. The Rapid City Journal is also biased but getting a little better, I still think it's tabloid journalism.

What I have learned about how a story is represented is that they have a flair for the dramatic. Why they do still baffles me. We live in an electronic age where we don't have to get our news from one source we have online news... tons of it. When I was growing up in Sturgis, a national network ran a story about the Motorcycle Rally. I'd say 65% of what they had to say about Sturgis was bullshit. They made us look like we didn't have any control over the "Gangs of menasing bikers" taking control of this tiny little farming community. I thought, "Wow, why wasn't I made aware of this sooner..... farming community...Holy FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They made it sound as if we were confined to our homes by armed leather clad goons, the mayor was tied to the tree in front of the courthouse in his "Fruit of the Loom" whitey-tighties while gang bikers were bangin' their 'ol-ladies in broad daylight in front of the local "Saloon". (factoid: They used to do that in the city park mind you, ((not the Mayor part but the fucking.)) And when they left town at the end of the week... they burned the fucking city to the ground.

So, do they still blow smoke up your proverbial ass??? Of course they do. Sensationalism sells just as much as sex does. The bigger the production the bigger the payout!!! Unless you hear it from the horses mouth, it probably went down much different.
