age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Let's Talk Insurance...

Wednesday, November 16
While driving home tonight, I was thinking about all of the money you and I shell out for auto, home insurance. Think about it, we give a monthly payment of MONEY and we receive nothing physical in return. You could be the best goddamn driver on the planet, never even get hail damage to your car but still give money away for what? Piece of mind? Do you think that is fair? That is the best scam in the world. And you know what???? It's fucking legal and the state requires you to do it. I could see if you are accident free for 3 years, not file any sort of claim with the company. You would get a 50% return on that years premium. I think that's fair but for now I guess you and I take it in the ass for piece of mind.

Uneventful day at work but I did work with Julie again today, Fuckin' A!!!! By the way Julio, There is no coincidence that I'm talking about insurance in the above topic and the fact of your massive collision you had the other night. It got busy before I was off. The next person I was to see (Thank You Dani.... Ya saved me life) She came thru a few days ago. I asked her to remove her shirt and keep her bra on after I step outta the room. As I buttoned the sleeves on the gown, I didn't notice that she stripped ALL the way down...arg. Scarred for life!!! Nonetheless, Dani came to relieve me of my post and saved me.

Danielle is my

Congrats to Dani!!! I'll bring you your prize and leave with your name on it. Todays prize is!!!!!! Argo Sweet Peas in the 15 and 1/4 oz. can. That's right Dani, you'll enjoy sweet peas from Argo, they make a fine addition to any meal. Just look for the brown can at your local grocer. That's ARGO. And again Congratulations to Danielle!!!
