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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Just Thinking....

Friday, November 18
We have too many choices in stuff here in America. What I mean is, you look at an item such as chocolate. Chocolate is chocolate, BUT you look and see how many different variations of chocolate there is... you'll lose you damn mind.

Another example is Potato Chips. At the grocer, they'll have an entire 50ft (for those of you reading from outside of America, this is just a guesstimate... 14 or 15 meters) shelf of different variations of Potato chips. Those poor potatoes, the humanity or..... potamity.... whatever.

Automobiles are different though. Sure we have the Big 3, General Motors, Ford Motors, Daimler Chrysler. In those you have your sub makes of cars and trucks. General Motors gives you Chevy, Cadillac, GMC etc.. Again choice.... But what differs in cars than potato chips is... Just because your father ate Lay's Potato Chips doesn't nessesarily means you are but if he drove a fuckin' Dodge Ram most times you will to, for awhile. For me growing up it was Chevy, my father like Chevrolet. Now I drive a Nissan XTerra and a Dodge Stratus. My father bought a little Datson pickup once and my grandfather and one too. So... to blow my fucking theory out of the water... Since Nissan bought Datson way back when... Shit. Oh yeah the Dodge, my dad never owned a Dodge, so in essence I broke the mold to speak. I'll shut the fuck up on cars now...

Anyways.... Chocolate... good for you... Potato Chips... Poor potatoes...

  • I hate Chocolate! I have been hating it for almost a month!

    Most people find this shocking, i'm like get over it, it's only chocolate!

    I'm not really a car person. But I can honestly say whatever *type* of cars my parents have owned, well it doesn't affect me at all. I know what I like and nothing can change my mind.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 November, 2005 15:00  
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