age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Just a speaking............

Saturday, November 19
I'm home tonight letting the redhead from Texas take my shift at the hospital. I had a feeling it was going to be busy.

So I'm going to talk about nothing.

The holidays are a comin' and to blend them all together and not be denominal in the holiday's, I'm going with the name from Seinfeld of "Festivus", so not to confuse anybody and especially offend. So Festivus it is!!

I think I talked my little brother into getting an XM radio system for his beater car. Now if Julio got one then when we worked together we could laugh at all the crazy shit from O&A. I was told "Why the fuck would you want to pay for radio, when you can get it free locally?" I said, If you want the same shitty fucking music over and over and over and over (repeat x34) You can listen to the hacks that run our local shitbox stations. I admit I was a little sceptical in the beginning but love the variety of stuff they have on it.

I work tomorrow but have Monday off. Hey Julie, when do you work again? Day or night? I'm going to be day shift. Happy days!!!!!!!!!!

Well again,,,,, If blazing....
