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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Done with the Book...

Tuesday, November 29
I finished reading the book by Aron Ralston. Lucky man!!! Very lucky. If you haven't read it, I suggest it!!!

Pammi from work was searching the internet for info about Aron Ralston stumbled across a conference in Big Sky, Mt. called Wilderness Medicine, happening in Feb 06. After reading the events calendar and the workshops that are to take place now I want to go. Mr. Ralston is scheduled to be in attendance on the Weds. of the conference. I've talked to Barry about possibly going and he sounded interested. I'm going to talk with some folks at work to see if they might be interested and we'll see.

Work today was very good. It was one of the slower shift I have worked in a long time. It got busier in the afternoon. Other than that it wasn't too bad. Rosie was charge today and it didn't get that busy... I was surprised.

I'm thinking it is going to snow tomorrow, at least the weather guessers are saying that. Weather people. It's funny. Other than paying for insurance (in which you receive no return on your payment, unless you are the shittiest driver in the world and fucking crash all the time) Weathermen and women basically guess at what the weather is going to be for the next day. That's right GUESS! And with over 100 years of recorded weather the guessing is pretty easy. Weather always goes from west to east. Duh.. If it spins counterclockwise, it's a low pressure and no spin a high pressure. I didn't spend one dime on tuition for that tidbit of info.

Anyways I work again tomorrow and am off Thursday. Talk to ya later.

P.S. Leave some fucking comments people so I know your reading. Even if you say "hey asshole" or "hello"

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