age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Campaigning Church....

Wednesday, November 9
Before we start... I'd like to say I have nothing against the church for it's purpose. Church can be a great thing to people and I'm not coming down on it because of what the church is supposed to do, it's what they are NOT suppose to do.

That thing is campaigning for a certain candidate. Over the last presidential campaign of 2004, stories popped up in the news about the Catholic church denying left candidates communion because of thier political viewpoint. In denying these folks the body and blood of Christ, the church was sending a political message, "Vote our way or else!!" Here in Rapid, the bishop was campaigning for Bush. The Archdiosese of Sioux Falls has our Governor's ear in reference to the state website and it's links to Planned Parenthood. How long do we wait before this country ends up like a Middle Eastern Nation where religion is law?

A church on the East coast is about to lose it's tax-exempt status because it did the same thing as Rapid's bishop. It had been warned repeatedly about using the pulpit as a soapbox for moral majority candidates. Churches have their place in society, as personal churches for personal praying and guidance.

This country is in a funk now. Look at all of the Democratic winners in Governor races yesterday. Get ready folks.... the ship were on is beginning to roll to the left again!!!
