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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

And They Think They Are Right....

Saturday, November 12
Since the beginning of our conflict in the Middle East, you had to of known there were going to be people opposed to any type of war with anybody, that's a given. After Vietnam, the wacko hippie movement of the time spit on soldiers as they came home. Blamed them for what was going on there. Trying to convince the majority of Americans that the soldiers were "baby killers".

To think that the people of the earth can live in peace and harmony is... Impossible. Think about it. As humans, we are a power hungry species, always striving to take charge over everything. There is always going to be somebody with the mind set that he/she should rule. Their way is the right way. To think we could rid the world of that is ridiculous. Because there will always be somebody out there who wants the power. King of the World if you may.

The people who serve in the Armed Services of today, do it on their own accord. Nobody forces them to join. It is strictly voluntary. Most who have joined, join for an incentive, college money, signing bonus. The military works no different than any other business. Give somebody something in return for a job. Granted most who serve don't actually expect to fight in war. Luck of the Draw. But they will and do. Myself, I have never served in the military. But my father did and his father did. My best friend has served in a war zone. So I have a different view of the fighting serviceman.

When I see a religious group protesting a fallen soldiers funeral, well... it pisses me off. The protesters say they have a right under the constitution to protest. And yes they have that right to protest. But ethically they shouldn't right? What is ironic is... no other affiliated church or religion is complaining about the Baptist church doing the protesting. Love and Peace is the strong arm dogma of the church. Love thy neighbor... right. The reasoning behind these protests are, these fighting heroes died for the support of Homosexuals because they were fighting for America. America supports homosexuals so these mother fuckers are happy for a soldiers death. Where is the reasoning in that? How can any sane adult support that creed?

I believe in the constitution and who it protects, the American people. It was designed for the individual and our right to do what we want under its laws. Since the military is run by the United States and the individual states. So in essence, the military and all rolls attached to it, is a government entity. Since the church does not pay taxes (if it is tax-exempt) it has no right to campaign for and against any government office. I'm sure Mr. Phelp's Church of Baptist fuckers (That's my personal name for this vile shit) is tax exempt under the IRS tax code. Where I am going with this is... Since the Constitution nixes the joining of church and state, these people actually have no right, under the constitution to voice their (church affiliated) opinion about anything involving the United States government ( in ergo: Ten Commandments in any government building, Christian teachings in public schools, etc...)

If this to be true... this protest is illegal under the provisions of the Constitution. Thus legislation can be presented to keep a group such as Phelp's from bothering grieving families at their fallen soldiers funerals. I truly believe a funeral is a sacred event and by no means should be protested by anybody. Everybody has a right to express their individual opinion but this goes too far.

  • Here is the assanying(which I'm sure is speelled wrong) ironicness of it all. The military men and woman are overseas risking thier lives so those arrogant shitheads can sit in thier comfortable little church and bitch about it. The good thing about it is those who are overseas are there because they want to be, and they know who appreciates them, so pretty much piss on the rest. They will be thankful when the time comes around. Most of those people have no idea what it feels like to go hungry, have thier livelyhood taken away or never have a chance to make one, or even worse yet not have the right to protest! High Five!! When I was overseas all they showed on TV were the big protests when Iraqi Freedom kicked off, they didn't show anything good, but every week we would still get tons of letters from people and little kids thanking us. On our way back we stopped in Germany and I will never forget this woman. We were still in our Desert camo and she came up to us crying and hugged everyone of us. She was so emotional she couldn't even talk. Her and her daughter just spend days making and sending cookies and letters to soldiers overseas. Her daughter was 4 and she was so proud of what her and mom did. Does that maybe put a lighter spin on your thoughts.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12 November, 2005 21:04  
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