age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Tree Hugger vs. Animal Killer....

Sunday, October 16
Okay, with all the hype here about the mountain lion hunting season and all who are against it, I'm going to explain my thought on Tree Huggers (against) vs. Animal Killers (for)

First of all, I believe the South Dakota Game,Fish and Parks started the hype and fear mongering over the mountain lion issue. When people start complaining about Mountain BIKERs, Mountain Hikers will they decide to have a season to exterminate them. As you can see, I'm not happy about the season and felt it unnecessary. There hasn't been a recorded mountain lion attack in well over 45 years. But my view doesn't constitute me being a tree hugger. I'll explain.

Most extreme tree huggers value the life of other species more than human and themselves.. Animal killers or hunters hunt for the fun and challenge of it occasionally killing fellow hunters on rare occasions. Take the situation in Minnesota awhile back. A hunter kills 6 other hunters because he didn't like the tone of the land owner who was telling him to " Get the fuck off my land or I'll kick your fucking ass". The killer hunter was Hmong and probably didn't know that "Get the fuck off my land..." meant to leave.

I'm not a hunter because I choose not to. It's just too unpredictable of a past time. Plus having to drag a carcass miles to a vehicle isn't fun to me. Hunters drink beer and eat junk food. I can go along with that. Getting up at 4:00 in the morning on my day off to walk for miles and possibly not see a thing. Not for me.

I'm not a tree hugger, mainly because I enjoy a thick slice of prime rib every so often. I could care less that somebody is wearing animal hide to keep warm. Shit, people have been doing this longer than America has been a country. I prefer to wear something a little lighter and easily purchaseable, that's just me. Toufu is disgusting!!! Another reason I'm not a tree hugger is because I hate PETA. The organization is full of stupid people. I know what you are thinking, America is full of stupid people including it's leader. But, I need a place to live and can deal with that. Canada you say???? Tobacco is just too fucking expensive and the taxes are unreal. Plus I don't say "eh" now and I really don't want to start.

So there are some of my takes on tree huggers and hunters. Thank you for your time.
