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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Shame of Religion...

Thursday, October 27
At first tonight writing "the Art ..." I was out of ideas for something to write about. Until I read a story in the Friday Journal .

Sure, you have the right to protest anything in America. Protest the war but not the men and women ordered to serve. And certainly DO NOT protest a funeral of a fallen soldier to spread your religious hate message. These Cocksuckers (forget the pun) from Rev. Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan. should have their asses thoroughly kicked for the actions they played out at National Guard Chief Warrant Officer Paul Pillen of Keystone's funeral. Protesting a funeral, What the fuck!!!!!!

These assholes celebrate the deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq as punishment from God for the iniquity they say has befallen the U.S., particularly because of its tolerance for homosexuals. That is plain IGNORANCE. Of all the hunting seasons we have in this state why can't we shoot pricks like these. Extreme religion what a concept!!! What is it with these bastards. Don't they have time in their lives for shit that is more contructive? They could organize a annual festival for pushing a handicapped person down. Or shoot paintballs at a Special Olympics somewhere. That's what I compare these lowly asses skill level at. They want to travel to Huron to protest the other fallen soldier's funeral. Hopefully somebody gets a hold of one of these fuckheads and thrashes them.

All in the name of interpretation!!!! We can only pray and hope these fuckers die in a fiery auto accident 4 hours from the nearest fire department and another hour and a half from the nearest hospital. Jesus H. Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angry Eric
  • You tell it like it is. The worst part about protesters are the fact that there are people overseas risking thier lives, and family time, and everything else, and all they show on TV are the bad things like the protests. It makes it hard to remember what your doing there. By the way this is Danielle, this is my first time on your site, I like what I see Take care

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 28 October, 2005 14:57  
  • Thank you Eric, these people are the lowest pieces of shit on this earth!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 October, 2005 18:51  
  • Thank you! Paul Pillen was my brother-in-law. He was a wonderful person, the assholes how protested his funeral need to carted off to Iraq and left there for as long as Paul was there. I would like to how well they enjoy that country.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 09 November, 2005 13:48  
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